Category business

A good ending

Tesselo worked with satellites, space tech, AI, and in the cloud. So many buzz words united in one startup. How is it possible that there was no market for such...

Category motivation

The Guts of a Startup

After 7 years of hard work, our passion project, our beloved venture, our partnership has come to an end. Like countless other startups, Tesselo has failed and died. Now that...

A good ending

Tesselo worked with satellites, space tech, AI, and in the cloud. So many buzz words united in one startup. How is it possible that there was no market for such...

Category market

A good ending

Tesselo worked with satellites, space tech, AI, and in the cloud. So many buzz words united in one startup. How is it possible that there was no market for such...

Category failure

The Guts of a Startup

After 7 years of hard work, our passion project, our beloved venture, our partnership has come to an end. Like countless other startups, Tesselo has failed and died. Now that...

Category celebration

The Guts of a Startup

After 7 years of hard work, our passion project, our beloved venture, our partnership has come to an end. Like countless other startups, Tesselo has failed and died. Now that...

Category team

Commit message convention

Our tech team agreement on commit message conventions.

Focus Thursdays

Focus day is an alternative to the more common No meetings day. We put emphasis in the meaning of focus, not the meeting schedule.

Communications Netiquette

A guide on how to be dignified, elegant, and gracious in our social interactions through the internet at Tesselo.

Open sourcing our team wisdom

We want to share as much as we can from our insights that we gained at Tesselo. Some of the most tangible outcomes are code and written documents that we...

Category bahamut

Commit message convention

Our tech team agreement on commit message conventions.

Focus Thursdays

Focus day is an alternative to the more common No meetings day. We put emphasis in the meaning of focus, not the meeting schedule.

Communications Netiquette

A guide on how to be dignified, elegant, and gracious in our social interactions through the internet at Tesselo.

Open sourcing our team wisdom

We want to share as much as we can from our insights that we gained at Tesselo. Some of the most tangible outcomes are code and written documents that we...

Category github

Commit message convention

Our tech team agreement on commit message conventions.

Communications Netiquette

A guide on how to be dignified, elegant, and gracious in our social interactions through the internet at Tesselo.

Open sourcing our team wisdom

We want to share as much as we can from our insights that we gained at Tesselo. Some of the most tangible outcomes are code and written documents that we...

Category agreement

Commit message convention

Our tech team agreement on commit message conventions.

Focus Thursdays

Focus day is an alternative to the more common No meetings day. We put emphasis in the meaning of focus, not the meeting schedule.

Communications Netiquette

A guide on how to be dignified, elegant, and gracious in our social interactions through the internet at Tesselo.

Category design

Brand Book

Our Brand Book has been developed by ADDB. It is beautiful and served us well. We are happy to share it here.

Category brand

Brand Book

Our Brand Book has been developed by ADDB. It is beautiful and served us well. We are happy to share it here.

Category AI

EO data pipeline

Transforming raw EO imagery to analysis ready data requires a lot of preparation. At Tesselo we focused a large part of our platform on the pre-processing of EO data.

Category code

EO data pipeline

Transforming raw EO imagery to analysis ready data requires a lot of preparation. At Tesselo we focused a large part of our platform on the pre-processing of EO data.

Category data

EO data pipeline

Transforming raw EO imagery to analysis ready data requires a lot of preparation. At Tesselo we focused a large part of our platform on the pre-processing of EO data.